How an Autoimmune disease Inspired the healing of my Inner-self.
What is an autoimmune disease ? An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body. According to NSCF , Nearly 4% of the world's population is affected by one of more than 80 different autoimmune diseases . The most common ones are type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto's thyroiditis , R heumatoid arthritis , celiac disease , and Grave's disease . The Office of Research on Women's Health at the NIH has named autoimmunity a major women's health issue as it appears to be affecting more women than men. How the autoimmune disease killed my spirit to live. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis at the age of 23. I didn't have much of the symptoms initially, so it went unnoticed until I went to a dermatologist as I started finding the crazy lumps of hair in the bathroom waste trap to be growing more with each wash than the ones left on my head. She had me take some blood work, including thyroid